History of Female Magicians | Page 19


From 1880 , American vaudeville became extremely popular and presented variety shows and family music-hall entertainment where women were well represented and assisted their partners or husbands in acts of illusionism ( for practical , aesthetic and economic reasons ). Among these illustrious assistants were : Bess Houdini . Eva Kellar , Mrs . Reno , Edna Herr , Athena Pallas , Tex Veletta , Deloras , Hazel Kolar , Ada Mary Porter , Corinne Carter , Evelyn Maxwell , Datura , Miss Helena , Aouda or Jenny Brown .
Step by step , the female partners became more and more prominent in the magical performances eventually sharing poster space with their male counterparts . Sometimes they were on the same level and became the co-star of the show . Often their repertoire , postures and even wardrobe were borrowed from the men . Among these ladies : Mrs . Flint , Helen Hilliard , Mohala Floyd , Fatma , Suee Seen , Beatrice Foster , Jane Thurston , Maude Heller , Mildred May Searing , Kittie Baldwin , Nadia Nadyr , Yu Li San , Magda Palermo , Madame Zomah .
Carter The Great - The Modern Priestess of Delphi - Evelyn Maxwell ( 1926 )
L to R : Bess & Harry Houdini - Metamorphosis , ( 1895 ) . Michaella - La sorcière . Jane Thurston ( 1920 ). Mme Eva Kellar ( around 1900 ). Athena Pallas ( around 1930 )