History of Female Magicians | Page 36

Dorothy Dietrich


Lisa Menna ( born in 1964 ) is a militant magician , activist and philanthropist adventurer . She is a pioneer in a profession dominated by men . She was banned from entering Magic Circle , Fakir Circles and magic lessons at Tannen ' s because she was a woman !
Despite the old-fashioned rules , Lisa became the first woman to be invited to lecture and perform at FISM . She is also the only woman to perform in all of theaters at the Magic Castle in Hollywood . Menna advocates women ' s rights and she was invited to present for the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights about her charity , Cause To Wonder .
Dorothy Dietrich ( born in 1969 ) left her family home with her older brother ( she has six brothers !) for New York at the age of 13 to escape a violent father . Her childhood traumas prompted her desire to rehabilitate women in society through magic and she competed with men on their own ground .
Dorothy performed The bullet catch and does not hesitate to play the escapologist in physical challenges previously reserved for men ( she was the first woman to escape from a straitjacket , hanging upside-down by her feet ). She even goes so far as to saw a man in half . She fought for access to magic circles like the Society of American Magicians and London ' s Magic Circle at a time when women are not admitted .
Lisa Menna
Fay Presto ( Letitia Winter , born in 1947 ) began magic in her late thirties and specializes in close-up magic . She was the first female member admitted to the Inner Magic Circle in London in 1991 , thanks to the relentlessness of her colleague Dorothy Dietrich .
Juliana Chen was born in Hunan , China and graduated from the Academy of Arts in China . After training be a ballerina , she transferred to the Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe . In 1982 , she decided to become a magician , Since then she has won many awards , including Best Magician of China ( 1985 ), First Prize I . B . M .( 1992 ), Grand Prix at Spain ' s XXI Congreso Nacional De Magic ( 1996 ), and Germany ' s Magic Hands ( 1996 ). In 1997 she become the first woman and first magician of Chinese heritage to win a world Championship in the 50-year history of FISM . Since this she has performed all over the world , and her magic continues to inspire young magician everywhere .