entertainer . I ’ ll give you three that are at the top of my list ; First and foremost , I think it is extremely important to be personal . People naturally like to relate to each other . On stage , if a performer can reveal that they are human , and share personal touches , emotions , and possibly even vulnerabilities , it ’ s amazing how quickly an audience can be won over . We should never treat the audience as if they are beneath us . We need them just as much as they need us . This relatability breaks down a wall that separates us from the audience on an emotional level . If that wall can be broken down , an entertainer can go from being “ just a magician ” to a well-remembered and appreciated entertainer . Secondly , I would say an important quality is the ability to read the room . Often times I see performers so wrapped up in themselves and what they are doing that they don ’ t take a moment to actually realize whether the audience is truly appreciating what they are doing or not . If the audience isn ’ t reacting , or is reacting poorly-it ’ s time to wrap up and move on to something else . Just because we may find an effect , or even our ability to pull an effect off to be an amazing feat , doesn ’ t mean the audience feels the same . It goes for comedy as well . Everyone has a different sense of humor . If we find that ours doesn ’ t align with the audience in the moment , it is always okay to stop what you ’ re doing , realize the boundaries , and take a different path .
I think another extremely important thing is the ability to share . Sharing and mentorship is extremely important in any artform . I ’ ve met many people who were really good at something that I wanted to learn , but refused to give me the time of day , and some have even point blank told me “ I spent years learning this on my own , you can do the same ”. I think this is a poor mindset , especially if somebody is enthusiastic about learning a skill . I wouldn ’ t be where I am today had I not had some incredible mentors in everything I ’ ve ever tried to learn . I reflect on this anytime somebody asks me for advice , help , or instruction with something they ’ re working on or trying to learn . I try to be an open book and help others any way that I possibly can . It builds strong friendships and promotes kindness . Never underestimate the power of “ giving back ”.
V : What is the evolution of your magic
12 FEBRUARY | 2024