Brian Glow | Page 12

of individuals , wielding weapons like knives , to obviously “ turn track star and run .” Choose self-preservation over trying to reason with bullies . He offers many coping techniques when violence is not an issue .
Muktuk ( Muqtuk ) is a traditional Inuit dish .
He also talks about how bullies should re-examine their lives to see why they feel the need to hurt others to feel good about themselves . Most bullies were victims as well and feel this is the only way to act . Bullying is a learned behavior . They are trying to gain back the power they lost from the people who have hurt them .
When visiting these tiny remote northern communities , Brian deploys a variety of methods to convey his vital messages . His magic isn ’ t merely about entertainment ; it ’ s a tool for education and empowerment . Each trick he performs is psychologically and seamlessly interwoven with the narrative of bullying and its potential resolutions . He includes real life stories and provides “ actionable ” solutions . Despite the seriousness of the subject matter , the show remains engaging and uplifting . Each trick builds to a crescendo of positive resolve , allowing Brian to speak candidly to his audience delivering messages and techniques for empowerment .
His mission includes classroom visits , motivational talks , intense workshops practicing different techniques , gymnasium presentations that change with the ages of the audience and even oneon-one sessions for individuals who are grappling with severe issues . Shows in small , remote hamlets are hosted in town halls , schools , senior homes or any space that can accommodate a crowd . His audience spans the gamut , from four or five-year-olds to octogenarians as well as his corporate and cyber bullying training . Even local law enforcements take an interest because they , too , are still learning how to grapple with the scourge of bullying and suicide .
Brian always finishes his visits with his full-length comedy magic show to uplift the spirits of the entire community .
In these northern communities , Brian often participates in local radio broadcasts that involve interactive ques-
12 JANUARY | 2025