making news
If you have a story or a news related item please email
the editor at
We try to keep this news as current as possible and
generally this is the last piece we work on prior to the
magazine going live. So please excuse any arrors:)
message from Danny
Archer regarding this
years MINDvention.
“After a lot and back and forth,
we reluctantly have agreed
to move the convention to
November 11th - 13th ( still
to be held at
the Palace
I apologize
for any grief
this may have
caused you,
but ultimately
I think the
N ov. d a t e s
will be better.
As some
of you may remember, we
started the convention in
November and then were
forced to switch to October
dates. October is a busy time
for mentalists and mystery
entertainers and I know
several attendees who will
be able to join us again on
the new dates.
One good thing was that I
was able to secure Nov. dates
for 2013 of 11/10-11/12.
The website has been updated
and I will start to put out the
word to past registrants and
attendees. Thanks for you
help and support and looking
forward to an outstanding
3 1 s t M a g i c i a n ’s
Convention 2012.
Here is a chance to visit our
wonderful country and take in
some real southern hospitality
and magic at the same time.
At a very low registration and
accommodation rate and
five star hotel and talent plus
our friendly fellow magicians
d o n o t m i s s t h i s gre at
taking place
at an excellent
time to see
what New
Zealand has
to offer. We
plan to have
three top line
magicians who
are recognized
as the best in
their field of Children’s magic,
Close up magic and Stage
magic. Plan your trip well
ahead and register NOW to
come to the “Lord of the Rings
Country” in 2012.
Just announced that the main
headline acts for the convention are Shawn Farquhar, Ken
Scott, and Mark Mason.
Pricing Details:
Early Bird pricing applies
until April 19th 2012 for
Adults and Juniors/Youth
A chance to visit
Lord of the Rings
(17 years and younger on
October 19th 2012) After
April 19th 2012 Adults will
be $NZ345.00 and Juniors/
Youth will be $NZ245.00.
Registrants who are financial
members of % 4