Delicious M&Ms Coincidence
Delicious M&Ms Coincidence
By Butzi, Magicien
A very novel card prediction that will have the audience
“eating out of the palm of your hands.”
The Effect
A participant chooses a card during the show and is
told to keep it with him. Later on, the magician takes a
break and eats M&M’s with his audience. He asks someone what’s his favorite color and asks the first participant what card he selected; “10 of hearts”. The magician
pours in a bowl the rest of the M&M’s that are now all
red with “10 of hearts” printed on it. It also works with
the picture of a person.
on the other one. You pretend to take a break and you
eat the regular M&M’s with your audience. When they
reveal the info, open secretly the second compartment
and reveal the tricked M&M’s. Tadaaa!
Trick the pack
To build the gimmick, you will need:
A cutter / Contact glue / a couple of 42 grammes M&m’s
packs/ Tricked m&m’s with the prediction on it/ A bowl /
A glass / A playing card
Explanation overview
On the M&M’s website, you can customize your M&M’s
and print pretty much anything you want on it (words
and pictures). After you ordered them with the info
you’ll force, you’ll trick the pack to make two compartments: regular M&M’s on one side and tricked ones
VANISH - International Magic Magazine
Click the link to see how to make
up the pack.