Paul Romhany
his issue celebrates the
fourth year of VANISH. When
I started this I had no idea
it would grow as quickly as
it has, and reach to almost every
corner of the globe. The numbers of
downloads each issue are staggering with the last issue having had
135,335 downloads from over 45
There is no way the magazine would
be what it is without all of the contributors over the past three years.
The one comment I am constantly
told by readers is how they enjoy
the variety of articles. My goal has
always been to have a magazine
that will inspire and educate, as well
as entertain. A very big thank you
to everybody who has contributed
articles and helped the magazine
grow. Without your friendship and
support VANISH would not be what
it is today.
I am always looking at ways to
improve the content, layout and
overall ease to read VANISH and
am open to hearing from readers
on what you would like to read and
your favourite articles. All suggestions are welcome.
This issue features UK magician
Keith Fields. I have admired Keith
for many years both as performer
and risk taker. His story is one of
taking chances in life and in business, and working very hard to
achieve the dream. From somebody
who started magic later in life and
started performing on streets to
having his own one-man show this
is a very inspirational stor