Paul Romhany
It was a true pleasure interviewing
Lu Chen for this issue of VANISH.
While Lu Chen has made a few
guest appearances at various magic
conventions over the past two years
he has pretty much kept out of the
limelight with no television appearances or live touring shows. Having
Lu Chen choose VANISH magazine
to talk about where he has been
and his reason for stepping out of
the spotlight was a thrill to say the
least and shows the impact that
VANISH magazine is having in the
world of magic on a global scale.
I encourage everybody to read the
article in this issue called Celebrate
The Child. This is an incredible and
heart felt story that I felt needed
to be shared. The work that this
family has done to honor their son’s
memory and how magic has played
a role in helping them heal as well
as affecting children in third world
countries is inspirational. Nothing
can prepare you for such a tragedy
and to read how magic has helped
pull them through some very dark
places is something we can all learn
It has always been my goal to make
VANISH a truly international magic
magazine and feature artists from
countries such as Singapore, China,
Taiwan, etc. With the ever growing
interest in VANISH from Asia I felt
it was time to offer some regular
articles from that region and I have
some great articles in the pipeline.
Also of interest is the article by
Romany. If you have ever wanted
your own theatre then this is one
way to go. Find a home that is big
enough and build it! Romany has
done an incredible job turning her
house in to a theatre and performing private parties right in her own
home. Imagine that!! She has shared
some of the insight in to how she
went about finding the right place
and putting it all together.
Travelling to Europe in a few days
time will give me the opportunity
to connect with magicians from
that part of the globe and look at
performers and find magicians who
would like to be part of the growing
global VANISH family.
There has been quite an increase
in products that I am reviving. I will
be on the road now until February
so if you wish to have something
reviewed please send me a personal
VANISH - International Magic Magazine