Figure. 1
The stack of celebrity cards should be assembled in
whatever order you want to introduce them from face
to back. On the very back of that stack, place the one
rough and smooth pair that matches that back design.
(Fig. 1)
Stack the other rough and smooth pairs in a separate
spot on your table and you’re ready to go.
before they do. I’ll show you.
Displaying the face of the cards, you begin to go
through them one at a time. (Fig. 2)
Invite a member of the audience to join you on stage as
you pick up the stack of cards containing the celebrities
(the blue set).
I love questions that start conversations. One of my
favorites has always been, “If you could have a BBQ with
anyone – living or dead – who would you invite?” I’ve
thought long and hard about it, and what’s interesting
to me is that when I discuss it with others, I find that MY
choices are often the exact same as other people’s. In
fact, I’ve gotten so good at this that I can often guess who
someone is going to fake-invite to their cookout even
VANISH - International Magic Magazine