VANISH MAGIC BACK ISSUES The Ehrlich Brothers | Page 10

FROM THE EDITOR Paul Romhany T his edition, number 25, marks the fifth year of VANISH. While it is a great achievement and one to celebrate, it also feels empty as we start the year off with the loss of some incredible people who helped shape the art of magic. Paul Daniels, Irene Larsen, Tom Mullica and Tihany were all wonderful contributors to magic and helped shape the lives of so many people around the world. I couldn’t think of anybody better to write the tributes than Nick Lewin and Ben Robinson. Ben knew Paul Daniels personally and they had a close friendship. In the last edition of VANISH Ben did an incredible job with Paul’s feature story and I know it was very hard emotionally for Ben to put pen to paper and write something on Paul’s passing. Ben’s piece in this edition is very touching and very fitting to one of the greatest entertainers of our generation. I was honored to have worked with Paul at various jobs around the world and share the stage with him. The biggest thrill for me was being able to say “thank you” to him when we first met. He is somebody who brought magic to millions of people around the world 10 VANISH Magazine and made us all smile. Something we all need a l