Exactly one year ago I had an
idea of starting an International
Magic Magazine ....
Paul Romhany
incredible interviews. Those late night
SKYPE calls seem to be paying off.
To those people who ‘proof’ the magazine for me before I send it out as a
completed project a HUGE thank you.
Their input is invaluable and you know
who you are.
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits.
The troublemakers. The round pegs
in the square holes. The ones who
see things differently. They’re not
fond of rules. You can quote them,
disagree with them, glorify or vilify
them. About the only thing you
can’t do is ignore them ...”
is what we have achieved and with
that aim in mind we look forward
to more articles that will make us all
‘think outside the box’ and put magic
in a positive light. Magic is constantly
growing and changing and we plan
to grow and change with it. Each and
every contributor should be proud of
what we have all achieved this past
year within the pages of this magazine.
Finally, we would LOVE to have YOUR
input and hear what YOU have to say.
You can either write to me personally
or head over to THE MAGIC CAFE at and check
out our section under the MAGAZINE
part. There you will see VANISH so
drop on by for a chat. We are excited
to be on board with THE MAGIC CAFE
and know it’s going to be a positive
exeperience for us all.
The above quote comes from Apple’s
launch called THINK DIFFERENT. I love
that quote. When I started VANISH
MAGIC MAGAZINE a year ago there
were those that thought I was crazy,
and when they found out it would be
free they really thought I was nuts.
Thankfully I have a lot of friends in this
business who are apparently as crazy
as I am, and together over the last year
we have produced a great magazine.
A very special thank you to our advertisers who have supported VANISH and
continue to show support. The money
made from advertising goes in to
helping the magazine grow with such
things as the mail list software, the
website costs and the use of graphics
used in articles. It will also go towards
getting the magazine in to a friendly
e-reader format so more people can
enjoy it. Please support the advertisers
by visiting their websites and checking
out their products.
As I put the finishing touches on this
issue of VANISH my wife and I are busy
packing up home as we are moving
back to live in Vancouver, Canada. It’s
a busy time but we are excited to be
heading over to that part of the world
again. Had we not moved back to
New Zealand VANISH would not have
happened so I would like to personally
thank Alan Watson, Richard Webster,
Wayne Rogers and Ken Ring who encouraged me to go ahead and start my
own magazine.
Without the contributors this magazine would just be a BLOG. My concept
when I started VANISH was to produce
a magazine that I wanted to read, with
articles written by professionals, articles that made me think and would
help improve me as an artist and help
my business grow. I firmly believe this
A special thank you to Chipper Lowell
who I was able to get as my co-editor
half way through last year. Chipper
has a keen eye in the finer details and
has been a huge help with putting
this together, as well as getting some