Paul Romhany
In an age where everything has gone digital , the humble business card remains an essential tool for magicians . It ’ s a tactile piece of your brand that people can hold , feel , and remember . But what if you don ’ t have a headshot or fancy branding to grace your card ? Fear not , for the magic is still within your reach !
A headshot , while adding a personal touch , isn ’ t necessary for a business card .
You can conjure the same effect with eye-catching stock images that resonate with a magician theme . But beware , most stock image sites might lead you down a rabbit hole of terribly cheesy and clichéd images for magicians .
You don ’ t want your card to look like a parody of a magic show !
Remember , it ’ s not about what you ’ re missing ; it ’ s about how you use what you have .
NEED PHOTOS & GRAPHICS ? Discover exclusive and captivating stock images crafted for magicians with Mystic Pixel by Magician Masterclass . Elevate your magic marketing materials with our visuals .
Ready to elevate your marketing game ?
I ’ ve crafted a special free PDF ebook filled with 20 essential tips for designing effective marketing material . Whether you ’ re a seasoned magician or just starting to conjure up your brand , these insights will help you create promotional pieces that truly resonate with your audience .
Don ’ t miss out on this valuable resource . Click here to download your FREE ebook and start
It ’ s a FREE resource to help you book more shows this holiday season .
PS : Never use Comic Sans font .
CONTENTS // September 2023
An exclusive interview with Bakore Magic . Find out what happens when The Modern Alchemical Fusion of Three Creative Forces get together 08-15
Gabriella Lester
A modern look at magic through the eyes of Gabriella Lester . Exclusive interview with Vanish .
August has been a crazy month with so much magic in my life . I attended my first MAGIC Live ! with a small team from Vanish Magic Magazine and had the time of my life . Jordana Borensztajn and I were running around like crazy getting interviews , filming and really having fun , attending shows and workshops and were able to put up daily postings all over social media . Some of those posts now have over 700K views and still going strong , which totally blows my mind . VANISH has reached a milestone and we are about to do some new and revolutionary things with the magazine that will catapult it to a level never seen before in magic publications . Enjoy this in-depth look at MAGIC Live ! and our exclusive interview with Stan Allen .
It ' s all very exciting and I hope to have announcements soon but if you are on Instagram then make sure you follow @ vanishmagazineofficial to get the latest news and updates .
This month we feature two very different types of performers . We have the leading mentalism company in the word , " Bakore Magic " whose innovative ideas have helped many performers through Covid shows and now moving the art forward for live shows . We also feature Gabriella Lester who is moving the art forward in her approach . She is the youngest performer we have featured on our covers , and we look forward to featuring her again as her career blossoms .
Paul Romhany
AI ' s Place in magic
Jake Strong looks at the use of AI and where it can be used in magic .
Sleight of Design
A chance from designer Ryan Joyce to update your design for business cards . Be in to win a free upgrade .
MAGIC Live !
A look from the view of a first timer at one of the top conventions in the world !
STAN Allen exclusive
We sit down with Stan after MAGIC Live ! and find out what it takes to put on a convention .
Product Highlight FINALE
One of THE BEST confabulation style routines we have ever reviewed . This makes a killer FINALE .
Jordana Borensztajn
Why MAGIC is the antidote to self-doubt
In our first Sleight of Design article , we ’ re conjuring up a business card that leaves a lasting impression with a twist – NO promotional headshot , NO custom branding and NO logo .
No Headshot ? No Problem !
BefoRe :
Transform Your Marketing : 20 Tips for Magicians
6 SEPTEMBER | 2023