Vanish Magic Magazine #114 | Page 10

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V - What will make this show stand out ? M - For us , theatricality and snapshots drive everything . The show needs to be aesthetically interesting away from the magic . If an effect was taken away , there is still a beating heart within the show . We have added things that I believe will catch everyone off guard and hopefully worked in moments that the audience will want to see again and again . N - The show isn ’ t fully immersive but it certainly has moments that would make you feel that it is . Away from the show , we also perform together so often we have a natural rapport which I think the audience can feel . M - Yes and maybe most importantly , there is no magician and assistant ! We both do the same amount and both bring different things to the stage . Natasha is a breathtakingly strong performer and I think her charisma and talent will wow everyone . N - Thank you ! Well , likewise . Matthew is a powerhouse performer who I watch night after night make people laugh , scream , cry and gasp — at the right times . M - Our show promises many surprises ! At the core of everything is a group of strangers coming together to share , create and experience mystery .
" The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious ."
- Albert Einstein
V - The show sounds amazing ! We will return to it shortly . Let ’ s learn a little more about you both . Would you mind sharing
10 JANUARY | 2024