time . I have always really appreciated that . He doesn ’ t know this , but I followed Marc ’ s work so much in the early days that I now perform all card magic left handed even though , I am right handed ! I will always be grateful for him taking the time to message me back and offer guidance . Many years later Marc and I stood together in the wings of the London Palladium after having both performed . Crazy ! N - I try to see inspiration in everything . I believe that if we walk through life looking for ideas , inspiration is so much easier to find . I also play a game where I choose a random item and give myself 10 minutes to write down every idea that I have for it . I don ’ t overthink what I am writing , just quick , scribbled ideas . After the time is up , I put the paper away and return to it the next day . This time I take my favourite three scribbles and try to formulate them into something new . Occasionally , this leads to material we end up putting in the show . I have to mention Matthew as an influence . He is remarkable . His ability to captivate and connect with a crowd inspires me nightly ! We do meet and greets after each of our shows and the things people confide with him and the way they say he moved them is inspirational to watch ! He is also the funniest person to share a rehearsal room with .
V - I feel like now would be a very good time to ask , how did you both meet ? M - Do I tell the real story ? N - ( laughs nervously ) … Go on then . M - Natasha was dancing in a show that was on before mine . I was setting up , in a dimly lit backstage area and quite literally , bumped into her , lets say , mid costume change ! N - We normally don ’ t share the costume change bit . M - We said a very quick , a slightly awkward ‘ hello ’ and then carried on . Throughout my show I couldn ’ t stop thinking about her . As luck would have it , that night we both ended up in the same cocktail bar ! N - We spoke about musicals , drank wine , danced a little and said goodnight . I remember walking back knowing I had to see Matthew again .
12 JANUARY | 2024
V - Since meeting backstage all those year ago , you have done some incredible things together ! Tell us some career highlights . M - Being in Vanish magazine is one of them ! Having our families in the audience is always a very special evening and a major highlight . We sold out shows in London ’ s West End which was a dream come true ! Performed off Broadway , which was one of my happiest memories and our first appearance in Las Vegas took my breath away . We were invited to perform for the Sheiks of Dubai and Saudi Arabia , which was surreal ! Performing at the FIFA World Cup and being allowed to visit the England camp was amazing . Lastly , our new