Magician Ice McDonald. | Page 8

What ' s next for

Ice McDonald A perspective

Paris R . McDonald from a magical wife

As I sat in my living room , as I have countless times before , I began to notice details that had always been there , but now seemed to stand out . I suddenly noticed my husband ’ s practice table , with a deck of cards on it , his numerous awards and articles . I realized that I have shared at least 37 of his 43 years as a professional magician . As I looked through his portfolio and reviewed many of the articles written about him , I noticed that none of them shared the prospective that I have .

Hello , my name is Paris McDonald , the magical wife of Hall of Fame Master Magician Kenrick Ice McDonald , though I affectionately call him Ken . However , recognizing the importance of his brand , I ' ll refer to him as Ice McDonald . I am not a writer and lack any grammatical sleights of hand . What I do have is an intimate , behind-the-scenes perspective of an extraordinary individual who happens to be a master magician .
When I met Ice in the late 1980s , he was already a professional magician . We got married in March of 1989 . One major concern was our financial future as a young couple . While my career was progressing , his career involved finding and securing gig after gig , offering no stable income . The worry intensified when I became pregnant . Ice is a very responsible person , in college he studied Technical Illustration / AutoCAD , and found work in that field . This ensured me that we would have enough for our needs , and insurance for our new family dynamic .
Imagine your spouse leaving for work in the morning , coming home briefly , then heading out to perform . It was sometimes challenging for both of us , but it was especially challenging for his health . I could
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