Vanish Magic Magazine 76 November 2020 Vanish Magic magazine | Page 11




discovered magic 7 years ago thanks to my darling , Florian Sainvet . Florian has been a professional magician for 10 years . I accompanied him to magic festivals where he performed his CD manipulation act . From the start , Florian showed me magic videos on the internet , every style of magic , however , many focused on manipulation , which was his specialty . He also introduced me to numerous tricks and his own magical creations which I got a taste for it . There was a great diversity in the acts I experienced . What I immediately liked about magic is being able to create absolutely anything you can imagine , especially ideas that seem impossible …
Florian had to do several appearances at a 2016 New Year ’ s Eve party . He asked me to be in an illusion act with him and perform a solo spot as well so he could prepare for the next effect , I gladly answered yes , very happy to be able to taste the feeling of being on stage ! I performed " The Gypsy Thread ” and that ' s when I knew I wanted to create my own act .
Naturally I turned to manipulation … with a “ fan act ”, I quickly realized that it was not for me ( laughs ).
I loved sewing , fashion and making accessories . At the end of 2016 , I discovered Quick Change . While watching magic videos on the internet I came across a Quick Change act , a revelation for me . Quick Change combined my two passions , magic and sewing !