will impact magic ; I care about the intention behind these grants as much as I care about the end result .
Vanishing Inc . isn ’ t a small magic company by any means . In fact , it ' s one of the largest magic companies in the world . And unfortunately , some larger corporations in the wider world say they support diversity , and their actions don ’ t match that . This is evident by a lot of companies releasing PRIDE merch leading up to June but removing it and all LGBT + representation in their marketing as soon as the month is over . So , as much as I hate to admit it , my initial reaction when I heard
about these grants was to ask if Vanishing Inc . does care about inclusivity or if it is “ just for the brand .” While it ' s not the positive outlook I usually like to hold , there is some truth to it . I believe the intentions behind actions are sometimes more important than the action themselves .
So , why is Vanishing Inc doing this , and why do Gladwin and Jay , as the CEO ’ s , care ?
It is clear that Gladwin and Jay ’ s focus for these grants is on the whole world of magic , not just Vanishing Incs ’ corner of it . Jay said that “ We both feel a heavy responsibility for Vanishing Inc . ( and our industry at large ) to better reflect the world in which we are doing business … the magic world is this wonderful melting pot of people from all races , genders , sexual orientations , classes , and more . We all have one , amazing common denominator :
Magic . The
These photos are from Andy and Joshua ' s visit to Cape Town ' s College of Magic .
AUGUST | 2022 11