The ghost show or spook show is a topic that has always stirred my imagination . Perhaps it is because no one is around that can say they actually saw one . The Ghost Show has been romanticized to sound incredible . Ghostly images floating around the theater . Spirits tapping you on the shoulder . It sounds too good to be true , and it probably was . The early spook shows were about ghostly spirits passing through the ether and into our reality . Vague messages appearing on blank slates from beyond . Physical manifestations with thrill and chills . The later incarnations were less spirit oriented , more of a stage magic show with a dash of ghostly effects at the end . New licensing allowed the Frankenstein monster to appear in person on stage , changing the haunted phenomenon into live action monsters that broke the fourth wall and engaged with the audience . This was a totally different experience for the audience . They went from an eerie , unsettling feeling that spirits were real to “ a monster might grab you ” fright . The Barnumesque claims on the posters promised a good scare , a shot of adrenaline , and a thrill . The roller coaster of midnight entertainment , these shows dared you to show up and see if you could take it . The closest thing in today ’ s world would be attending a good “ haunted house ” at Halloween . People like to be scared .
This year Abbott ’ s Magic planned to published a new book filled with a wealth of stories , routines ,
8 OCTOBER | 2022