Vanish Magic Magazine VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE 71 | Page 12

Electronic Mentalism tools for professional Performers Illuminati Magic What would YOU do if you had access to the most powerful electronic mentalism products on the planet? Unifi provides you with a platform to integrate and customize all your electronic mentalism into a single system. Unifi iOSApp Integrated platform for Electronic Dice, Dominos, Poker Chips, Pens, Motion Sensors, Magnetic Field Detectors, and RFID. Notification via a wireless thumper, miniaturized color LCD, and audio announcements using a hidden earpiece. Search “Unifi Thumper” Modular technology allows you to purchase a single Thumper to work with the entire Unifi range. Text-to-Speech announces events using a hidden earpiece. Customizable RFID platform to develop custom props. Apple iPhone™ and Apple Watch™ Support. Join the Illuminati Magic Facebook Group to find out more! Unifi Available to order now! Unifi DICE Unifi Unifi Unifi