MAGICLIX.com - a MONTH Free of a vast range of lectures if you use the code MAGIC.
In April, Magicians Talking Magic Podcast will go live weekday mornings at 10am EDT sharing the latest news and headlines for magicians. Plus,
every Thursday evening at 8pm EDT throw a pizza in the oven and join our magician's pizza party. Special guests, interviews, games, challenges
and more. Register for notifications and RSVP for the Magicians Pizza Party: https://magicianmasterclass.com/live
LUKE DANCY - ALL things Magic on Facebook - live zoom chats around the world almost daily. https://zoom.us/j/167349814…
If it asks for a password use this: 636025
ALL THINGS CULTURE - Not magic but these are wonderful to watch - 60 FREE Chapin films to watch - http://www.openculture.com/2011/12/
MYSTERY SCHOOL - For nine years the MYSTERY SCHOOL has been giving lessons, online seminars, etc. using ZOOM to their members. When it
comes to this type of online class MYSTERY SCHOOL are lighyears ahead. Be sure to go here to see their list of upcoming FREE sessions.
TIM ELLIS - Tim Ellis has a nightly chat show online called LANEWAY LIVE - check it out here - https://thelanewaytheatre.com/
HARRISON GREENBAUM - Is doing a livestream magic show with co-host Patrick Davis called SCAM Online every Thursday at 8 PM EST. The
website is magicscam.com and the Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/societyofconjurersandmagicians
VANISHING INC is doing a free online event on April 5th https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/sharemagic/live/ featuring Daniel Garcia, Caroline
Ravn, Harapan Ong, Morgan & West, Jim Krenz, along with some very special surprise guests and two new-comers we like to support called Andi
Gladwin and Joshua Jay.
MAGICANA - https://www.magicana.com/ - enough video clips of past magicians to keep you glued to your screen for hours.
MURRAY SAWCHUCK is using YouTube to post performances during isolation - https://www.youtube.com/magicmurray
CONJUROR COMMUNITY - also offering free online lectures - sign up to their email list to get the schedule
The IBM and SAM are also offering free online interviews via their websites for members. The IBM have a facebook link with daily updates.
APRIL | 2020