Franz Harary
imAgine nation
https :// youtu . be / dMEFCx0CtSo
Franz Harary ’ s latest illusion show “ Imagine Nation , in Hong Kong is not just a spectacle of magic ; it ’ s a testament to resilience , creativity , and the unbreakable bonds of friendship . After years of navigating the unpredictable waves of a global pandemic , Harary has crafted what he calls “ the best show of his life ,” blending his favorite illusions with genuine connections that move from the stage out into the very last row of the 1500 seat venue .
This is a different type of show for Franz and the story behind it is one that deserves its own special issue of Vanish Magic Magazine . You can read more about Franz in the Special Issue of Vanish from 2016 . https :// digitalvanishmagazine . com / CFBp