The great strength of magicians ( for centuries ) is their ability to reinvent themselves , to find new solutions and to innovate in order to surprise and astonish audiences again ..."
groupings . ArteFake hopes the artistic data and freedom they offer will educate and inspire .
At the base of Sébastien ’ s creativity is his intense passion for cinema . He admits , “ I am an eclectic movie buff since age seventeen . I ’ m quite obsessive when it comes to discovering a director or a magical effect . The great power of cinematography is to touch truth through artifice , just like the art of illusion .”
For Sébastien , “ cinema is a total illusion and for me it is the most penetrating art . What particularly fascinates me is its hypnotic power to keep the viewer enticed into its web throughout the story . Above all , it ’ s an inexhaustible source of emotions . It has the power to forever imprint indelible images in our minds , which we keep returning to , seeking to find a semblance of truth in our daily lives .”
He especially admires the filmmakers who have succeeded in creating an incomparable and unique format system like Alfred Hitchcock , Dario Argento , Brian De Palma , Fritz Lang , Mario Bava and Georges Méliès . In his opinion , “ they are all master magicians , master illusionists and master image manipulation specialists . Méliès is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for me because he is the intercessor , a mediator , making the link between cinema and conjuring with unsurpassed audacity and inventiveness .”
Sébastien ’ s first interest in magic began at age six , discovering the world of magic through an annual subscription to Pif Gadget , a children ’ s magazine . At age