Vanish magazine 115 | Page 11

One thing I learned about the pandemic , as well as the recession back in 2009- Entertainers are survivors . We go through busy times and not so busy times ; however , we are not afraid to put our noses to the grindstone when things get tough . I wasn ’ t able to entertain hardly at all during the 2 years considered the “ Height ” of the pandemic . I made it through thanks to work utilizing skills that I had learned over the years . I was making / selling guitar , banjo , and rifle straps out Georgia rattlesnake skins that I harvested , doing some leather work , some landscaping , and doing woodwork ( selling handmade cutting boards , pieces of furniture , nick knacks , etc .) Of course , magic spilled over into the woodwork as well and I made a few props and “ impossible items ”. People were very supportive , and it was nice to dive back into handcrafted creations . If it weren ’ t for these things , combined with some small supplementary unemployment income from the state for self-employed individuals , things would ’ ve definitely been much more difficult . Some of my entertainer friends got into doing the “ Zoom shows ”. I gave it some consideration , but my show relies so heavily on a back and forth with the audience , I just couldn ’ t imagine it translating well to the Zoom platform . Thankfully these times are behind us , and things are finally beginning to pick back up and move strongly forward again .
V : What are some of your strengths and weaknesses in using technology for advertising ? K : Advertising is extremely important . Learning how to properly use the most current tools available is a must . I think the first most important aspect is having a really good website . I used to build and run my own , but as I got busier , I decided to invest in a company to build my exact vision for my current website , and maintain it for me . Advertising is part of the business . Sure , we all want to invest in new “ toys ” and props , but if we aren ’ t investing in advertising and marketing , then we aren ’ t getting the shows that we need to sustain business . If we don ’ t know how to do these things , then it ’ s to follow the old adage “ Do what you do best , and hire the rest ”.
V : What do you think the biggest threat to magic is today ? K : I ’ m honestly not sure . I think technology is moving so fast , that some effects that were once amazing are probably becoming obsolete . Everything is magic in a world where you can send a message across the globe in half a second . Electronics and technology have been making the impossible possible . I think this , along with the flood of social media users who expose magic secrets for the sake of views are exchanging an unhealthy short-term benefit for a long-term effect . Once a video goes viral sharing many secrets , too many eyes have seen what we once valued protecting , and it makes it harder on some performers who rely on some of the principals that were so openly exposed .
V : What qualities make a good magician ? K : Personally , I think there are many important qualities to being not only a good magician , but also a good
FEBRUARY | 2024 11