Now, these may not be your choices, as they are personal to me, but here are some of my favorites: Cary Grant. To me, this guy was as good as it got. When I think about the golden age of Hollywood, this guy just screamed, “cool.” Dorothy Parker. The great American author, poet and critic. She wrote the poem: I like a martini Two at the very most After three I’m under the table After four I’m under my host Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain – great American author and humorist. Albert Einstein who created the Special Theory of Relativity that states that time moves slower when spent with your relatives. Katherine Hepburn, Jimmy Hendrix, Marylyn Monroe, and here we have Dean Martin. It is, after all, a party. Somebody’s got to bring the booze. Next, pick up the other deck of all force pairs and display them to the audience so that they can see the faces of the cards, but your spectator on stage cannot. Now, our helper gets a chance to freely pick a barbeque guest for herself. Who will she pick? Will it be Cary Grant, Mark Twain, Katherine Hepburn? Who? She has a free selection of any one of these. Saying this, transfer a couple of pairs from the face of the deck to the back showing all pictures of you. Then, eventually fan all of the pairs out so that the audience sees nothing but pictures of you. This is a very funny moment so don’t rush it. (Fig. 4) After you’ve gone through the celebrity cards, stop at the last one before exposing the rough and smoothed pair with your face on it. Close your eyes. I’m going to quickly show the audience the one barbecue buddy that I would pick for you. Expose the double card that shows your face and hold the rough and smoothed pair up as one to the audience. (Fig. 3) After everyone gets a chance to register that the face on the card is yours, set it down briefly on top of the stack and peal off the top of the roughed pair (in my case, the “Homer” card) and set it off to the side so that only the back is showing. Often times I’ll slightly adjust whatever I’m going to be leaning the single card up against with my right hand as justification to place the double card on the deck before peeling off the top one. 12 VANISH - International Magic Magazine Turn the fan down and ask the spectator to place her finger on the back of one of the cards. (Fig. 5) When she does, clearly and fairly cut that card to the top of the pack. Peel off the top card of the stack (one of the Homer cards), and have her hold it against her chest