VANISH MAGIC BACK ISSUES Vanish magazine 38 | Page 7

SEPTEMBER 2017 - Edition 38 VANI SH FROM THE EDITOR Internatonal Magic Magazine PUBLISHER Paul Romhany & Joomag EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & DESIGN LAYOUT Paul Romhany ASSOCIATE EDITOR Hal Meyers ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nick Lewin ASSOCIATE EDITOR Ben Robinson STAFF WRITERS Nick Lewin, Wayne Fox, David Penn, Louie Foxx, Paul Romhany, Diamond Jim Tyler,, Sean Heydon, Ben Robinson, Colin Underwood, Danny Arhcer, Bob Abdou, John Carey, Rico Weekland EDITORIAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE Richard Webster and Mick Peck ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Paul Romhany & Sydnie Anderson CREATIVE DESIGNER & LAYOUT Paul Romhany MARKETING EXECUTIVES Steve Hocevar CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION Harry Morgan ADDRESS 1183 Blind Bogey Drive Qualicum Beach, BC. V9K1E6 CANADA COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. None of this magazine can be reprinted electronically OR in hard form without the permission of the editor. THE SHOW GOES ON... Getting this month's magazine out on time was a little touch and go. My beloved computer, which has served me incredibly well for many years, is finally struggling to keep pace. VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE takes up not only a great deal of time but a tremendous amount of hard drive space, not to mention taxing my RAM to it’s limits. When the magazine switched over to monthly editions I felt my trusty MAC starting to feel the pressure, alas and alack, over the past week - Ricki (yes, I call him Ricki ) has decided to go on strike. This turn of events meant MANY late nights and very early mornings getting everything together so you can continue to enjoy the latest in news, articles and stories from around the world. As they say, 'The show must go on' and this also applies to publishing VANISH each month, despite set backs. I am truly excited to have Yigal Mesika as our feature artist for the September issue. He is someone I've greatly admired and respected in the business. He takes a lot of pride in everything he does, and does everything well. If you create your own magic effects or have thought about releasing a trick THIS is the article you will want to read. If you've used any of Yigal's products or are about to invest in Tarantula II then you will be pleased to get some behind the scenes insight and background pertaining to his impeccable product development, incredible attention to details and unbelievable warranty. We all have a lot to learn from him and I'm honored he agreed to be interviewed for VANISH. Last month we lost a real treasure in our craft with the passing of Eugene Burger. I have only seen him twice. The first time was at FISM in Dresden where I saw him lecture. I was so enthralled with what he had to say I didn't see any other lectures. I didn't want to forget what he’d said and the impact his theatrical style had on me. The second time was a few years ago when I appeared at the PCAM. I performed my Chaplin act on the gala show, and the next day Eugene was talking to people when he broke away and came over to me to say how much he enjoyed my act. It was a very short conversation but quite possibly the biggest thrill of my life and certainly a moment I will treasure forever. RIP Eugene. I have yet to make it to Magic Live, however, thanks to Lupe Nielsen’s detailed notes and David Linsell’s wonderful photos I feel like I was in attendance. Finally, thank you to Lorena Watters for supplying the amazing photos for the review of the show UNBELIEVABLE featuring Murrary Hatfield and Teresa. It all happened at the last hour prior to publication and she spent hours getting these to me. Paul Romhany VANISH MAGAZINE 7