Vanish Magic Magazine 112 | Page 8

] V A N I S H M a g a z i n e


FROM THE EDITOR : November marks " Chicken Month ", and who better to help celebrate than a man who knows his way around a rubber chicken than Matt Disero . It ' s a no holds barred interview conducted by Matt on Matt . His self-deprecating humor is part of his charm . He ' s a rare magician who doesn ' t take himself too seriously but DOES take his work seriously . I ’ ve worked with Matt and witnessed first-hand the skill he has as a magician and comedian . With very few props he slayed the audience , and I had sore muscles from laughing so hard .
He has FUNNY BONES - he understands the heart and soul of funny and you can see this in his act . Read , laugh , and take note of what he says because KNOWS what he ' s talking about ! Paul Romhany
8 NOVEMBER | 2023