The other magicians, seeing that they have a good act and a sellable product notice multiple staircases that also go up the mountain but take a lot longer, and not all are guaranteed to make it to the top. Each stair climbed gives them knowledge in a new area like marketing, creating products, giving lectures, consulting, and many other things. Each set of stairs leads to a unique village that they can settle in, safe with the knowledge they have gained and higher up than they were before. Every now and then people at the top come down from their castles to their villages and use their money to buy products, advice, or experience (or for a coffee and a chat).
Some of the castle people get tired of the upkeep of a whole castle and decide to come down the mountain for good to live a more relaxed life and to be around their peers.
There are many villages in between the grassy area and the castles on the summit and each is big enough for many magicians to live out their days and enjoy.
They fly in and spend weekends on the hill, learning, sharing, and hanging out with the magicians, even helping them make their way to the top. They have no interest in making it to the top of the hill or to the castles, they just love being there and stop to smell every rose.
One of the staircases up to the top is long, windy, and difficult to climb. It is the staircase for the magicians who want to continue building their magic skills. To be the technical best! This staircase is a lonely one with some steep cliffs and some dangerous paths. Only a few climb this staircase. Lucky for them there are plenty of exits that will return them to a village where they can share their newfound experience with the people.
Whatever route you take, be kind to your fellow travelers. We are all just trying to make it up the mountain. If you can help someone on their climb, do so.
Magic ability will take you so far and to be honest, the grassy area is a cool place to be. But there are many other ways up the mountain than using the catapult. You may have to make a little detour but before you know it, the castles will be closer than you could have imagined and maybe, once you are close enough to see them, you decide that your little village is home sweet home.
There are some unfortunately who would prefer to bull doze or burn down villages to make their journey to the top quicker. One route takes you past all the villages and is the longest path to the top. This is the experience route.
Walk it long enough and you will meet many people from many different villages. There is a whole group of other magicians who don’t spend all their time on the hill or the grassy area.